Laing O'Rourke is committed to global compliance in its financial and tax affairs. Our tax strategy is aligned with our Global Code of Conduct on tax compliance and transparency, ensuring that the Group maintains its reputation for integrity and that everyone in the Group acts honestly, fairly and with transparency. It is designed to operate in accordance with the LOR values and compliance regimes.

We pay tax in all of the countries in which we operate, in accordance with local laws and international guidelines and we seek to maintain the highest standards of tax compliance in those countries.

Our tax strategy will always support the execution of the Group strategy whilst managing our tax affairs in full compliance.

Our tax strategy is underpinned by the following principles:

Low tolerance for tax risk

The Group has a low tolerance for tax risk and proactively engages with both advisors and tax authorities to achieve certainty on our tax positions. We seek to ensure we have the appropriate capabilities within the Group to deal with our tax affairs supplementing this with external advice where appropriate. The Group Legal and Tax Director is also a member of the Group Executive Committee.

Approach to tax planning

The Group does not enter into artificial arrangements, instead our tax activities are governed by a commercial purpose.

Relationship with tax authorities

We look to develop and maintain positive working relationships with all tax authorities, particularly focusing on our relationship with HMRC, whilst seeking to resolve issues proactively, promptly and in an open and transparent manner.

This tax strategy has been approved by both the Board of Laing O’Rourke Corporation Limited and by the LOR Group Executive Committee, and is compliant with the UK’s publication requirement set out in Part 2 of Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016. The strategy is in effect for the current financial year to 31 March 2025.

Global Code of Conduct

View our code of conduct

“Doing the Right Thing”